08 June, 2022

Announcing our May 2022 Winners

 Hello everyone and a big thank you to all who entered our May challenges!

Before we announce the winners for this month, we wanted to remind everyone that we have suspended prizes due to the current world situation.  We hope to resume prizes as soon as the conflict has ceased and peace has been resumed. 

We enjoyed seeing all of your entries and of course we also enjoyed creating projects for our challenges!  Thank you also to the Design Team for all of your inspiration.  
And now let's take a look at our winners for May...  



We now have THREE winners for the Main Challenge.  In addition, we would like to invite our Main challenge winners to be Guest Designers in a future challenge.  Please see the end of the post for more details.

Thank you all for entering your wonderful projects!

Regional Challenge Winner 

Regional Challenge Winner

Regional Challenge Winner


As this challenge is now held in our Facebook Group, the links below will take you to the group, if you wish to view more photos.

Thank you for entering your wonderful mini projects this month!

Mini Challenge Winner

Congratulations to all our winners

Congrats once again to all our winners and thank you to everyone who entered the challenge. We encourage all merit winners and runners-up to grab your badges from this post and proudly display it on your blog or social media. 

Share Your Winnings

PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS - We'd love to share your good news so please also tag your photos with #MTWShare for permission to be featured on More Than Words' social media.

*** Special Guest Designer ***

We would like to invite all of this month's winners to be Guest Designers in a future challenge.  If you are interested, please leave a comment below with your contact details and we will get in touch (your details are safe as the comment will not be published and will be deleted later).  Alternately, send us a message us via More Than Words Facebook Page


Since we are celebrating our 150th challenge this month, it would be remiss of me not to mention it here and to remind you all to join in this month's Main and Mini Challenge.  Also we would like to remind all our readers that our DT Call is open till June 22nd!

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