Art Journalling challenge blog offering one monthly challenge, fantastic Design Team inspiration, and our monthly magazine, Artful Pages.

Join us, enjoy the journey and have some creative fun! We have an amazing new sponsor for our challenge!

01 July, 2021

July 2021 Main Challenge - And Special Announcement

  Hello again and Happy July!

This month we have some important announcements to make ahead of our usual challenge announcement.  

Summer/Winter Break

We work very hard here at More Than Words to ensure MTW is one of the best challenge sites around.  We’ve been doing this for a long time and we’re now at a point where we need to take a break and take time to reassess our future.  For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, we are taking a summer break, and for those of us in the Southern hemisphere, we are taking a winter break, for the months of July and August.  However, we don't want to leave you without a challenge to keep you inspired, so we will continue to post our challenges, just for fun, and would love it if you joined in.

Join our new Facebook group

We have created a new Facebook group for all our fans and followers to have a creative space to connect and create together and have fun.  
As soon as the group is available we will add a link here, watch our Facebook page for announcements

Feedburner Subscribe by Email

Google has made the decision to retire this feature, and so the Feedburner subscribe by email option is going away.  If you are already subscribing to our blog updates by email, don't worry as we have moved everything to a new service, so you won't miss any updates!  If you are not currently receiving our blog updates by email and you would like to, please click on the link below, to make that happen.   

To follow us on other social media, please visit the links at the top right of the page.

Engage with us!

Tell us what you think in the comments below!  Please leave your comments at the end of this post.  Are you entering the challenge?  Do you subscribe by email? Any other questions or comments?

July Main Challenge

*just for fun - no prizes*

This month, we are challenging you to use our inspiration word Complete and add some Watercolour to your project.  

As usual, our Main Challenge is based on a word inspiration and a creative challenge.  The word inspiration can appear on your project or not but you must show that you have been inspired by it.  The creative challenge must be used on your project!

Word Inspiration - COMPLETE
Creative Challenge - WATERCOLOUR

Helpful Tips For The Challenge

What makes your life COMPLETE? Is it family, a partner, a friend or a beloved pet? Or have you completed a project or a difficult job? We want to hear about it so tell us about your inspiration! To complete your page we need you to add WATERCOLOURS. Perhaps paint your whole background with watercolours, or just add some splashes and splatters, it's up to you! Use them in any way you like so long as we can see them! Please feel free to enter the challenge as many times as you like. This month's challenge is perfect for celebrating the joy of watercolour with World Watercolor Month, why not join in that 30 day challenge with hashtag #WorldWatercolorMonth.

Special Guest Designer

One participant, handpicked by our Admin team, may be invited to be our Special Guest Designer.

Challenge closes on the last day of the month at 11:59 pm EST and remember, this month it is just for fun and there will be no prizesYou can join the challenge using the inlinkz below.


  1. I love this challenge site very much & can imagine how much work you all put into it. You all deserve a little break! Enjoy you summer/winter and if I have some time I will try to make something just for the fun of it 😁😊

  2. Merci à toute l'équipe pour votre travail et pour nous permettre de répondre à vos défis; vous êtes très méritant. Bravo.


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