08 January, 2016

New Followers' Contest WINNERS

As promised, we have WINNERS for you today!

First of all, we were overwhelmed with your positive reaction
to our new challenge blog and we thank each and every one
of you for following More Than Words, whether it be
on the blog, or any of our social media sites!

In just a little over a month, More Than Words
has gathered a tremendous amount of followers,
and we only wish we had prizes to give away to each one of you!

We do have 6 very lucky winners to announce!!
(2 from our blog, 2 from FB, 1 from Pinterest and 1 from Instagram)

Rachel Lowe
you have won Prize #1 donated by Di Garling

Kathy Bradley
you have won Prize #2 donated from Nicole Doiron

Olga Iopukhova
you have won Prize #3 donated by Rachael Funnell

Kim Ewins
you have won Prize #4 donated by Heather McMahon

Joi at RR
you have won Prize #5 donated from Pamela Ellis

Vinita Jain
you have won Prize #6 donated by Valia Katzaki

Congratulations ladies!!

Please send us your shipping address at 

Thank you all again for your support!

For more chances to win some fabulous prizes,
we hope that you will play along with our January Challenge.
All details can be found HERE!

We will be back on January 16th for a Special Guest Spotlight
and on the 23rd for our first Mini Challenge reveal.


  1. Congratulations to all the winners!

  2. Well done to the lucky winners. Such great prizes

  3. Oh you lucky ducks! Hehe! Enjoy your goodies!

  4. Oh my my! Thank you so much everyone! Congrats to other winners too! By the way my name is misspelled it is Vinita Jain instead of Jinita Vain. Off to email you!

  5. Congrats to all the winners! And thanks so much to everyone for giving us such strong support for our brand new challenge blog!

  6. Thank you so much ladies, made my day x

  7. Congratulations to the lucky ladies! We value your support very much!

  8. Oh wow - today I was having a very blue day (unusual for me) so thank you for this pick me up!!! I am very grateful to have won these lovely items. Thank you Pamela and More Than Words. Wishing you all the best in your new and wonderful journey! j.

  9. Congratulations to the winners! Those are LOVELY prizes

  10. Congrats to all the lucky participants!! :)


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